
After completing a B.A. in Political Science at McGill University and law degrees at the University of Ottawa and at Université de Montréal, I started my career as a litigator at McCarthy Tétrault, a Canadian top-tier law firm. In 2013, I transitioned into the role of Professional Resources Director in that same firm, which allowed me to focus on the growth and development of lawyers and law students. In addition to coaching, I ran performance reviews, recruitment, and a myriad of other projects related to talent.

In 2021, I became a Professional Development Manager at McKinsey & Company where I led people initiatives for the Montreal office. I coached consultants (from business analysts to senior partners) on a variety of topics (promotions and transitions, imposter syndrome, absorbing feedback after reviews, stress and energy management, personal leaves, etc). A champion of transparency and clarity, I conducted 360 feedbacks to help folks understand the impact of their behavior and set goals to change. I also led the maternity leave program for Canada and coached women on off-boarding and reintegration. As a team coach, I helped my McKinsey colleagues kick-off client engagements and realign and reconnect when dynamics became challenging. I also co-chaired the Canadian Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Learning and Skill Building pillar at McKinsey.

Additionally, I led numerous initiatives with McKinsey’s Montreal’s women network and mental health chapter. I have served as co-faculty for week-long training sessions delivered to over 90+ participants on topics such as emotional intelligence, difficult conversations and personal values systems.

I live in Montréal with my husband and daughter and work seamlessly in French and English. As an avid hiker, I’ve walked over 500 km in France. To survive Quebec’s winters, I ski every weekend – a former racer, I am a certified ski coach and ski instructor. When I’m not on the hills, you’ll find me grabbing a book at the local library or hosting dinner parties.

Drop me a note if you are curious or want to discuss your unique situation!